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Past Projects

Santiam Alvey

Santiam Alvey

Schultz Raver

Bell Boundary No. 3 - $487k
The Bell Boundary No. 3 70 & 71 Mile project was completed by WEI in the fall of 2022. This project consisted of the construction of new access roads that included: new construction, widening, constructing turnouts and turnarounds, drainage structures, and landings. In addition, it also included improvements to existing roads which entailed: brush clearing, regrading, rocking, and replacing drainage structures. The initial project was completed on time. However, a modification for additional road work extended this project. This additional work included road improvement, road reconstruction, installation and removal of a temporary access road, bridge repair, landing installation of wood fence, repair wire gate, and ranch gate installation.
Santiam Alvey - $1.9M
This project is located in Central Oregon and was completed in Fall of 2020. This project involved the improvement, reconstruction, and new construction of access roads. In addition, Santiam Alvey also required roadside clearing, installation of wire, ranch and heavy duty gates, landing construction road approaches, installation of drain dips, water bars, culverts and the installation of aggregate.

Sullivan Creek Phase II - $300K
This project was along Sullivan Creek, near Metaline Falls in Pend Oreille County, WA and completed in 2019. Sullivan Creek Phase II consisted of harvesting and tipping trees for the purpose of creek restoration. WEI had to collect trees with intact root wads, stockpile trees on site, construct racking bundles and install log chain lashings. There was also road maintenance performed in the harvest area, together with a helicopter staging area. In addition, WEI provided ground support for helicopters.
Celilo-Sylmar No. 1 - $5M
WEI was a subcontractor for the Celilo-Sylmar No. 1 project. This project involved the construction of new access roads, installation and/or repair of gates, installation of drain dips and water bars, together with hydro seeding.
The Celilo-Sylmar No. 1 project was located in a remote area and was two hours to the nearest town. WEI’s past experience working in remote areas like this enabled us to understand and plan for logistical challenges to keep the project on schedule and running smoothly. Therefore, WEI had to have gravel crushed and processed on an approved site. The Celilo-Sylmar was an extremely environmental and cultural project ranging from endangered plant species, native American cultural resources to paleontological sites. In addition, some areas of this project were extremely steep and located in a high desert environment with variable temperatures depending on the time of year. Due to the environmental aspects of this project wash stations were required in designated locations.

Schultz Raver - $1.4M
This project was completed in 2013 and was located east of Ravensdale, WA in the Tacoma Watershed. The purpose of this project was to replace undersized culverts. WEI replaced 5 stream crossings, which involved the installation of a 50’x16′ steel bridge, a 70’x16′ steel bridge, a 24’x90′ multi-plate arch culvert, a 12′ squash culvert, and an 8′ road culvert. In addition, this project’s location was extremely remote and environmentally sensitive with a very tight window of completion. WEI completed this project on time despite the work area having received record rainfall.
Lancaster Noxon - $897K
This project was located in Clark Fork, Idaho and completed in 2012. Our scope of work included rebuilding existing roads, cutting roadside brush, installing culverts, draindips, waterbars, bridges, gates and placement of gravel. In addition, WEI also built new roads and landings across ponds that were up to 8′ deep. A portion of this work required WEI to lay geotextile and geo grid double width to separate the pond bottom from the gravel that was placed. This was accomplished by a custom made device by WEI to install the material in a safe manner. During the performance of this project, WEI was simultaneously working on various projects located in Port Angeles, WA; North Bend, WA; Enumclaw, WA; Troutdale, OR; and Stevens County, WA.